"Respect your elders." It's a phrase you probably heard entirely too much of growing up. You also probably begrugindly accepted it with quiet indignation. Well Kyle Kivijärvi, the man behind the instagram account @gramparents, took the sentiment to heart.

After working a summer job in a retirement home back in his hometown of Seattle, he quickly learned that older people have a lot to teach you and you can learn tons from them simply by having a conversation. The characters he met and the friends he made there are still some of his favorites.
At the same time, he started to appreciate the style of seniors and the garments they own and noticed that they styled themselves more interesting than their younger counterparts. They did it, not only better, but with a kind of respect and honesty. An honesty and a knowing of themselves and their personal tastes that can only be cultivated with age.

As an ode to their style and this often overlooked time in one's life, Kyle started @gramparents. It has allowed him to document his favorite outfits of the most seasoned vets of street fashion. Trends fall away and only personal style is left for these folk.

Taking a scroll through the feed has a disorienting effect for our youth obsessed culture. Hopefully, it makes you stop, think, and realize, your best days (style and otherwise) may be ahead of you.
Photos by: Kyle Kivijärvi
Words by: Christian Richard Rice